You Are You | Lindsay Morris

February 2014

Photographer Lindsay Morris spent three years capturing images of her child and others at a gender nonconforming camp for boys. Morris has stated that her photographic goal for the project is “to represent the spirit of these young people as they shine.” She was featured on the August 2012 cover of The New York Times Magazine for her coverage of the gender nonconforming boyʼs camp. The article raised support and some ire of readers. The photographs allow the viewer to experience the joy and freedom of youth.


Camp You Are You (whose name has been changed to protect the privacy of the participants) offers a temporary safe haven where gender nonconforming children can freely express their interpretations of femininity alongside their parents and siblings. When together, they are supported to be true to their inner nature. They may don wigs, high heels and gem-encrusted tiaras unburdened by fear of bullying and discrimination.

This body of work speaks out against intolerance while sharing with the viewer the beautiful spark of these children. I intend for the essay to serve as a guidepost for parents and the general public who struggle with their own uncertainties and prejudices with regard to the gender unique population. This is a place of acceptance. A place which can serve as a model for a society in which the first generation of children able to lead an openly LGBTQ childhood will come of age.