This We Have Now

September 1–25, 2021

Featuring work by Cannupa Hanska Luger, Adriene Hughes, and Ella Morton.


239 Linden Street, Fort Collins, CO 80524


We are in the midst of a climate crisis. An emergency that affects not only this planet, our home but all of its inhabitants. Who is poised to survive this crisis is a question that is asked much more frequently as we begin to experience and understand the consequences of capitalism and colonialism. With the corresponding destruction and mismanagement of the forests, water, and the dire effect on global ecosystems, these ways of thinking and acting are now drastically evident and our future uncertain.

Exhibiting artist Adriene Hughes explores the symbiosis of the forest canopy and its response to wildfires, illuminating the way that nature and humans are all connected.

Ella Morton synthesizes the melting ice caps as a marker for the rapid loss and damage.

Cannupa Hanska Luger explores a future where the colonizers have left the Indigenous peoples and those who work the land behind and articulates a narrative where healing and connection to the earth are paramount.

Together, these works show us the inter-connectedness of all beings, the danger we all face, and the possible futures that await us.

–Hamidah Glasgow